Concerning the manga series Demon Slayer : Mangamefi

Concerning the manga series Demon Slayer
Koyoharu Gotge is the author and illustrator of the well-known manga series “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” From February 15, 2016, until May 18, 2020, it was published weekly in Shueisha’s Weekly Shnen Jump magazine. In the series, a young boy called Tanjir Kamado becomes a demon hunter when demons viciously assault his family and transform his younger sister Nezuko into a monster. In an effort to discover a means to transform Nezuko back into a human, he joins the Demon Slayer Corps, a group committed to exterminating demons and safeguarding mankind. As of September 2021, the series has been compiled into 23 volumes.

The series has been converted into an anime television show, many feature films, and has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan. It’s renowned for its excellent artwork, explosive action scenes, well-developed characters, and moving narration. It’s also well-known for its stirring themes of family, sacrifice, and the ties that bind loved ones.

There are 202 chapters in the whole manga series “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” From February 15, 2016, to May 18, 2020, these chapters were published in Shueisha’s Weekly Shnen Jump magazine. They have since been compiled into 23 volumes.

The manga series “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” from Japan is written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotge. “Blade of Demon Destruction” is the title’s direct translation. The main character of the book is a young boy called Tanjiro Kamado, who becomes into a demon hunter when the demons that attacked his family transform his younger sister Nezuko into a monster. The remainder of the plot is put in motion by this occurrence. The manga, which debuted in February 2016 and ran through May 2020 in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, has been collected into 21 volumes as of July 2020. The manga is published in English by Viz Media, but Shueisha also makes it available on their Manga Plus platform in Spanish and English at the same time that the manga is published in Japan.

Ufotable is making an anime adaptation of the original manga that will air from April 2019 to September 2019. The followup feature film, set for release in October 2020, was announced after the screening of the series’ last episode.

One of the most popular manga series, as of the month of May in the year 2020, the manga had a total circulation of over 80 million copies, including its digital version. The anime series is now regarded as one of the best made in the 2010s and has received a lot of honors.


Demon Slayer Story
Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy with a good heart and a mind, lives with his family and earns money by selling charcoal during the Taisho period of Japanese history. Japan is the setting for the tale. Everything changes when demons attack and murder his family. His family is no longer secure (oni). Only Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko managed to escape the disaster, yet despite having changed into a demon, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotions and thought. The only survivor is Tanjiro. Then, Tanjiro becomes into a demon hunter in an effort to save Nezuko and prevent others from going through the same type of grief that he and his sister had.

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